Customer Experience & Personalization

Drive acquisition, engagement, & loyalty with personalization at scale

In today’s environment, customer experience is considered by many to be even more important than price or product. Providing a great customer experience has the power to motivate, delight, and retain customers. While most brands have already implemented some basic level of personalized marketing or product development, the reality is that personalization at scale is a technical challenge, especially for businesses that cater to large volumes of customers.

Mckinsey reports that personalization at scale can drive between 5 and 15 percent revenue growth. Personalization at scale requires extreme technical workloads across disparate datasets, which can become a formidable obstacle.

Some of the challenges facing companies looking to personalize at scale today include:

  • Customer data is difficult to merge across different systems or storage silos
  • By the time data is integrated, it is often outdated
  • Building digital trust requires strong security and privacy measures, including being transparent with data use and providing value in exchange for the data
  • It’s important to use accurate, relevant data to avoid being “creepy”

Molecula for Customer Experience & Personalization

Molecula’s feature extraction and storage platform is designed to deliver secure, fast, continuous access to all your data. The first and most crucial step in leveraging big data for customer experience and personalization is ensuring all of the data is ready and accessible. The sheer amount of data, compliance requirements, and ever-growing collection of disparate data silos can be overwhelming. Molecula’s feature-first approach to making big data ready for analysis is a radical advance from conventional approaches such as federation and aggregation.

Molecula Enables:


continuously extract and update features in real-time


ultra low latency access to all of your data


designed for machine-scale analytics and ML


performant without pre-aggregation or preprocessing


up to 85% lossless data reduction


as an overlay into existing environments

Use Cases


Reduce customer acquisition costs

Optimize marketing efforts and run analyses across hundreds of campaigns and millions of customers


Personalize Offers

Deliver offers that are uniquely crafted at an individual level that are more likely to convert


Optimize Loyalty programs

Deliver authentic loyalty program experiences.

Companies earning $1 billion annually can expect to earn, on average, an additional $700 million within 3 years of investing in customer experience


Contact Us

Contact us today to learn more about how Molecula’s feature extraction and storage platform will transform your business. Ask us how you can unlock real-time value and actualize use cases never possible before.